Cardiff Women’s Aid grew out of the feminist movement, when the first refuges ran by women activists were the only safe place for women and children escaping violence in their own homes. Our founding came as part of the second wave of feminist and the women’s liberation movement, which helped to inform the organisations founding mission and values that are still upheld today.

We have worked for over 45 years to end violence against women, girls, children and young people. Our history and commitment is the muscle that has helped us withstand the push and pull of public opinion, political support and limited resources.
A rise in feminism and the belief that women had the right to live free from harm, in the early 1970s, local Women’s Aid groups were set up in Wales, offering shelter to women experiencing domestic abuse. At the time, there were few options available for women who were seeking alternatives to living with an abusive partner, with little protections under civil or family law and authorities often dismissing claims of abuse as a waste of their resources. The earliest refuges were run entirely by a voluntary labour of committed women.

In 1978 these local groups came together to form a national umbrella body: ‘Welsh Women’s Aid’. The primary objective of Welsh Women’s Aid was to coordinate the work and campaigns of local Women’s Aid groups in Wales.
Working with national Women’s Aid federations across the UK, for the first time, we were able to create a national network, enabling women and children experiencing violence within their homes to travel throughout the country to a place of safety.

Cardiff Women’s Aid is a woman-led, feminist organisation which exists to support women whilst working towards ending violence against women and girls in all forms. We build on the history of the women’s movement, and Women’s Aid, in championing fundamental social change to create a safer world in everything we do.
Violence against women is a systematic product of our unequal society, so, we do more than just provide services. We work to transform society’s response to survivors of abuse through outreach, training and advocacy.

While each of our services has its own key aim, everything we do is interconnected. Our specialist team has the knowledge and skills to bring all the elements of service provision together. Each personal advocate is as comfortable discussing legal protection and housing options as she is using her skills to address trauma.
Violence against women is a systematic product of our unequal society, so, we do more than just provide services. We work to transform society’s response to survivors of abuse through outreach, training and advocacy.

Abuse and violence towards women is a preventable issue. It does not have to be something we should just accept will happen.
VAWDASV is a pervasive, deeply entrenched issue in our culture. Many of our systems and societal structures are set up around the oppression of women, and a devaluation of women’s work. We believe this can change. Violence against women and girls cannot be prevented unless the societal attitudes that normalise violence are changed. The Welsh Government’s legislation committed to domestic abuse and violence towards women is a welcome development, but we need to do more to change the culture.

A world where women and girls are free of all forms of gender-based violence; in Cardiff and across the globe.
Cardiff Women’s Aid provides needs-based support and a place of safety for all women and children experiencing and at-risk of gender-based violence. We work alongside survivors to create change, raising awareness of the causes and consequences of violence against women and girls. We work in partnership with others to prevent gender-based violence and promote equality.
We are feminists
We work with others
We listen
We are ambitious
... and we won’t give up.