Help us meet our mission to end violence against women and girls in Cardiff. Raise awareness of the support available to women and children affected by abuse. You can help us to continue to provide life saving services by fundraising or making a donation.


Cardiff Women’s Aid are currently using funds in four main ways:

  • In our emergency housing/refuge units to purchase beds, bedding, toiletries, and clothing.
  • Providing women leaving the service with new accommodation supplies such as bedding and kitchenware.
  • Refurbishing refuge units (paint, carpets, labour costs) so women are provided a safe and warm environment.
  • Supplies for our aftercare and recovery activities including craft supplies and group work journals.
Could provide a survivor of domestic abuse with an ‘Own my life’ journal to support her recovery plan.
Could provide a child in refuge with a starter pack: brand new pajamas, underwear, toiletries, a toy and some books.
Could cover the costs of one night in a warm, safe and secure refuge for a woman in crisis.
Could pay for 3 one-hour therapy sessions for a survivor of domestic abuse or sexual violence.
Could pay for a child affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence to receive 10 one-to-one support sessions with our CYP team
Could cover the running costs of the RISE Cardiff helpline for 24 hours.


bake sales, a pub quiz, comedy night, or an office fancy dress competition are great ways to raise funds while doing something you enjoy!

Our fundraising pack is full of fun ideas and great advice on how you can raise funds at home, at school, or at work. You can download it HERE

Email the fundraising team at to let them know about your event to receive promotional material to help boost your fundraising!


By making a regular donation to Cardiff Women’s Aid, you’ll be ensuring that we can continue to be there to support some of the most vulnerable women, girls, and families in Cardiff. Click here to set up regular giving.


Run, swim, trek, cycle or jump to end domestic abuse and violence against women.
When you join our Rise And Take Action campaign you’ll get:

  • A fundraising pack full of resources, hints and tips on how to maximise your fundraising, and fundraising resources.

  • A Cardiff Women’s Aid technical t-shirt (when you raise a minimum sponsorship of £150)
  • An invitation to our annual Thank You event.
  • If you sign up to an Adventure Challenge, you’ll get a challenge medal, and some of your accommodation and travel for free! Please check your chosen challenge for details

Find out more about the campaign here.


You can generate free donations for Cardiff Women’s Aid, at no extra cost to you, while doing your weekly shop, changing your energy provider, or treating yourself to something new!

We’re signed up to EasyFundraising and Give As You Live. Click the buttons below to support Cardiff Women’s Aid as you shop.


Payroll Giving is a way of giving money to charity without paying tax on it. It must be paid through PAYE from someone’s wages or pension.

Get in touch with us at for more information on setting up a payroll giving scheme in your workplace.


We all know the importance of writing a will, that’s why we’ve partnered with Kwil to offer a free, online Will Writing service for our supporters.

Leaving a gift in your Will to Cardiff Women’s Aid will ensure future generations of women and children can live free from fear and abuse.

If you’d prefer to speak to someone in person about leaving a legacy, please call Kwil’s experts at 0800 061 4934, they will be able to take you through the process over the phone.

We strongly recommend that you speak to a solicitor about leaving a gift in your will, and to ensure that your wishes will be carried out as you intend.

Get in touch with us at for more information on leaving a gift in your will.

“A Strongwoman is someone who raises other
women up instead of tearing them down”


Sam is a Guinness World Record Holder, Britain’s Strongest Woman 2020, the World’s 3rd Strongest Woman, and Co-Owner of Kaos Strength Cymru Gym, Aberdare.

Sam and her fellow Welsh Strongwomen athletes are taking part in our Rise and Take Action Campaign, and will be collectively lifting 10,791kg of Atlas Stones on Saturday 10th September to represent the number of women who will experience violence and abuse each year in Wales.

Having worked in housing for many years, Sam is a passionate advocate for survivors of domestic abuse. She has supported numerous women to escape abusive relationships and rebuild their lives, and is also a survivor of domestic abuse, and credits her recovery to her Strongwoman journey.

“I had to build a new life and I didn’t know what that would really look like. I started off by giving myself coping strategies every day like baking a cake or riding my bike – that way I had a purpose.

I decided I was going to join a gym just to get out of the house. I would go at 1am so no-one could see me. I suppose I’ve taken it to the extreme now.”


Franca started out fundraising for Cardiff Women’s Aid at the beginning of lockdown, by completing a 2.6 mile walk. This might not sound impressive to start with, until you find out that she did it on crutches with a broken foot. She was amazed by the generosity of so many people who believed in Cardiff Women’s Aid’s mission and who donated to her fundraiser, contributing to an impressive £1,630 total raised for Cardiff Women’s Aid!

Franca says “I chose to fundraise for Cardiff Women’s Aid due to the large rise in domestic violence cases that were reported throughout the pandemic.”


Ruth, one of Cardiff Women’s Aid’s volunteers, raised an incredible £613 in 2021 by running a cake and crafts sale. We spoke to Ruth to find out more:

“The event was a success on many levels, my mum and sister also played a key part in this success. Firstly, it was fantastic to be able to get together and have a good old fashioned chat. My mum and I had knitted loads of socks during lockdown and we had completed many many jigsaws throughout lockdown. We needed to put these to good use, so I decided to hold a coffee morning in my garden. The women who came were friends old and new, ex colleagues, and neighbours who were all enjoying a cuppa, cake and conversation. Refreshments were donated by Asda and Tesco. Everyone was very keen to support the wonderful work that CWA does and in total from tickets, sales of socks and jigsaws – we raised £613.”


Sign up to our fundraising newsletter to keep up to date with all things fundraising at Cardiff Women’s Aid. It is a quarterly newsletter including upcoming campaigns, the impact your support has had, an overview of some of the great fundraising events you have put on and most importantly, an opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of women and children who have experienced abuse and violence in Cardiff. To stay up to date, click the link below and select ‘fundraising‘.

We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator to ensure our fundraising is open, honest and legal.

Charity Number: 518608